‘Bananatrauma’ poor substitute for harm of white phosphorous


BAE profits soar thanks to Israel's war machine

Shortly after dawn this morning Hezbollah’s elite Yellow Peril Squadron, armed with sling shots and spud guns, launched a daring raid across the Lebanese border breaching Israel’s Iron Dome and dropping water bombs on the banana plantations and groves of citrus fruit along the outskirts of the northern kibbutz of Hanita in western Galilee.

Containing “special” water, believed to originate from Saudi Arabia's Zamzam Well, the bombs discharge a lethal vapour when exposed to banana skin leading to severe cases of "Bananatrauma" in those inhaling it.

A jaundice-like condition, Bananatrauma produces a yellowing of the skin in those affected and a tendency to slip and fall over for no apparent reason even on the safest of surfaces... FULL STORY