Secrets of the desert dome Van Tassel took to the grave

It’s a familiar story: eccentric inventor in excellent health mysteriously suffers a fatal heart attack or unusual drug overdose; the body is cremated by authorities without the family’s knowledge and, more often than you’d expect, without an autopsy taking place. I’m sure you’ve heard this scenario described on many occasions… and not just after the…

Artemis Accords

To Ganymede and beyond ahead of the great awakening

So far there have been no reports in August of crop circles appearing in the wheat and barley fields of England’s heartland, but there have already been at least 15 this year, with six reported in July: at Chillandham Lane (two instances), Lane End Down and Barton Stacey in Hampshire; Norton Plantation in Wiltshire; and…

Alien ancestors of the Himalayan hobbits

High up in the borderlands between Tibet and China lies the Bayan Kara Ula mountain range, where archaeologist Chi Pu Tei and his team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences are said to have discovered strange burial sites in 1938 in what appeared to be man-made caves. The sites were strange for two reasons: firstly,…